Happy New Time..

This year, I want to truly assassinate my own character.

Will Smith touched on the subject a little bit in his most recent Breakfast Club interview while discussing how important social media was to him at this point in his career.
I love and respect the people in my life who enjoy the energy that my "persona" has created, but I'm also done catering to just them. I know I can party with the best of them, and any other idea, or version of myself seems ridiculous to everyone, but that is what has been holding me back all of these years. Hell, I cant even get sick without people losing their minds, and that is an unfair standard for me to uphold for people who aren't pushing themselves in any direction.

I've stopped smoking tobacco, and also plan on cutting back on the drinking. I'm ready to upset the people who only have a relationship/friendship with me based solely around things of that nature. I WANT THEM GONE (the people mainly), just so I can get the ball rolling on being precisely ME.

No more victim mentality.
I don't owe anyone in Oklahoma a damn thing regarding my talents.

Okay that's it, best regards

Brian Robinson
